Holds the 73rd SAT - POL PP and 61st SATLINMAS, held at PUKAVKUD Parompong field

The Regent and the heads of 
Satpol PP and Satlinmas

elitKITA-Com - Time News West Bandung. The event was attended by approximately 512 LINMAS personnel, 170 SAT - POL PP personnel, 10 DAMKAR personnel, 24 BPBD personnel, 11 personnel from the Transportation Agency, 10 POLRI personnel, 3 KORAMIL personnel, 5 PROVOST personnel and 2 PM personnel. Enlivened, interesting Doorprize by holding games and other entertainment.

In his remarks, Hengky, Dirgahayu 73rd SAT - POL PP and 6th SATLINMAS hopes that these two elements can provide the best, especially facing the 2024 ELECTION. Security must be maintained and provide comfort to the community, increase professionalism and apparatus capacity and create synergy between central and local government. In order to achieve the goals of an orderly and friendly area through the Civil Service Police Unit and a professional Community Protection Unit.

In addition, on behalf of the West Bandung regional head "I thank you for carrying out the task and providing sincere protection and service in order to create a sense of order and security for the community," he said. 

Head of Pol - PP Head of West Bandung Regency Ludi Awaludin, it is hoped that in the future he will try to improve the welfare of Linmas members by increasing incentives for Linmas members so that they can be adequate. Of course this is not an easy thing, because the budget needed is quite large and the number of members of this Linmas is around 4000 personnel spread across 165 villages throughout West Bandung Regency. But 'we will try by proposing the Ke - TAPD (Regional Government Budget Team), so that the members of Linmas are given incentives to carry out their duties. 

It is also clear that Ludi, considering that their role and efforts to protect the environment and territory are quite heavy, it is only natural that we try to increase incentives for them. Close Ludi. (Red.. Rully)

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