Proud of Indonesia, Satgas TNI Task Force KRI FKO -368 Again Trusted to Hold UN MSC Strategic Meeting Jakarta News, 24 March 2023,— The Task Force (Satgas) of the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) for the Indonesian Warship (KRI) Frans Kaisepo – 368 (KRI FKO – 368) which is part of the Maritime Task Force (MTF) TNI Konga XXVIII-N/UNIFIL with the nickname "The Power Host of MTF", again trusted by MTF Commader RADM Michael Busse, held a strategic meeting between the United Nations Military Staff Committee (UN MSC) and MTF UNIFIL on KRI FKO -368 while docked at Port of Beirut, last Tuesday (21/03).

After being absent for five years, the United Nations Military Staff Committee (UN MSC) which is a representative of the Ministers of Defense of member countries of the UN Security Council. The UN MSC held another strategic meeting with the UNIFIL MTF, the UN MSC's role is important in providing recommendations to the UN Security Council regarding the task of maintaining world peace and security. Upon arrival the MSC UN delegation led by Brigadier General Vincent de Kyspotter as Head of Delegation along with 8 delegation members from various countries were received directly by the MTF Commander who was accompanied by the MTF Chief of Staff, Marine Colonel (P) Ludfy, and the Dansatgas MTF TNI Konga XXVIII- N/UNIFIL, Marine Lieutenant Colonel (P) John David Nalasakti Sondakh. On the deck of KRI FKO-368, the delegates were greeted by a collaborative performance of Rampak Gendang, Saman Dance and bands as a welcome greeting from KRI FKO-36 soldiers.

The meeting between the MSC UN delegation and MTF and UNIFIL was held in the KRI FKO-368 lounge room. The meeting was full of friendship, enthusiasm, and was very productive. 

Some of the agenda discussed at the meeting included force structure, technology solutions for mission effectiveness, expansion of cooperation with the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), various MTF achievements, and the transition of responsibilities to the LAF Navy. After the meeting, the delegates were spoiled with the richness of Indonesian culinary specialties. The delegates also had the opportunity to carry out a ship's tour and interact with the soldiers to find out firsthand the reliability of the ship and its crew according to UN requirements. Ending the visit, the Head of Delegation UN MSC conveyed his deep impression on the ship's reliability and the impressive performance of its soldiers. He was also grateful for the hospitality, very productive meetings, as well as the event which was packaged nicely and was thick with various Indonesian cultures.

MTF Commander also expressed his high appreciation for the success of KRI FKO-368 in carrying out this important activity. The full trust given is inseparable from the performance of KRI FKO-368 which is considered outstanding performance in every assignment and is always ready whenever needed. The trust given to KRI FKO-368 is of course due to the hard work of all personnel based on sincere and sincere service as the path to the glory of the Navy "Jalesveva Jayamahe" according to the emphasis of the Chief of Staff of the Navy (Kasal) Admiral TNI Muhammad Ali to continue to maintain trust given as peacekeepers and at the same time as ambassadors of the nation. (Dispenal. Red/Rully)

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